Application Deadline: 22nd November 2015
Over 800 young Africans volunteered to be part of the fight against Ebola. They were not forced into it but they willingly gave of their time to see that the Ebola epidemic is no more on the continent.
Now that Africa is Ebola free – africaagainstebola would love to pay tribute to them. AfricaAgainstEbola is looking for bloggers from the following countries – where the volunteers came from – to help tell and appreciate our brave health workers.
Benin, Burundi, Cameroon, CAR , Coted’ivoire, DRC, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali
Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal,South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe.
Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal,South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe.
- A modest stipend will be paid to the selected bloggers.
How to Apply:
- If you are an African blogger and are interested in being a part of this : Fill in this form and Africa Against Ebola shall get in touch with you.
For More Information:
1 comment
I would like to apply for international youth leadership networks. can I recognized at yours?