Application Deadline: 17.00 GMT on 3 January 2018
The Commonwealth Foundation’s mission is to support civic voices to share their stories, learn and act together and influence the institutions that shape people’s lives.
The Foundation works to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development with effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels of participatory governance which implies creative and constructive engagement between civil society and other governance stakeholders.
The Commonwealth Foundation are interested in supporting projects that strengthen civic voice so that it:
- Is more effective in holding governance institutions to account
- Enhances involvement in policy processes
- Shapes public discourse
To be eligible for a grant, the following criteria must be met:
1. The applicant is a registered national or regional not for profit civil society organisation (CSO).
2. The applicant must be based in an eligible Commonwealth Foundation member country and the project should take place in an eligible Commonwealth Foundation member country.
A list of countries eligible to apply for a grant under this call is available at Annex A.
3. The application is for funding for a maximum of £50,000 per annum
4. The applicant is applying for funding for a maximum of four years
5. The applicant does not have an existing grant from the Commonwealth Foundation at the time the application window is open.
6. The average of the applicant’s total income over the last two years is less than £3m per annum
7. The project must address the Commonwealth Foundation’s intermediate outcomes:
8. The applicant will provide the following documents as part of the application:
- a completed logic model using the Commonwealth Foundation template
- a copy of the organisation’s registration certificate (the official registration document provided by the relevant authorities in the country concerned)
- a copy of the organisation’s most recent audited accounts (it must include both the accounts and the opinion of the external auditor who has certified them)
- a copy of the registration certificate for all partner organisations
- The deadline for submission of the preliminary application form is 17.00 GMT on 3 January 2018
- Preliminary applications will be assessed in January and February 2018
- Shortlisted applicants will be invited to submit a full application in March 2018
- The deadline for submission of full applications is 2 April 2018
- All applicants will receive a formal notification on the outcome of their application by the end of July 2018 at the latest. If you have not heard from us by April 2018 consider your application has been unsuccessful
- For this grant cycle, projects should start between and October and December 2018.
For More Information:
Visit the Official Webpage of the Commonwealth Foundation grants 2017/2018
1 comment
[…] more than 2.3 billion citizens, the Commonwealth provides a potentially huge pool of ideas for advancing […]