Application Deadline: December 5th 2021
LEAP Africa is a non-profit organization focused on raising dynamic, innovative and principled leaders who will drive positive transformation in Africa. We provide relevant and tailored interventions that support effective youth transitions in the area of education,entrepreneurship & employability, civic participation and social mobility for young Africans.
We are seeking to hire for two senior roles.
1.Project Lead and to coordinate the implementation of the NYFF.The Nigeria Youth Futures Funds (NYFF) Project aims to strengthen, support and enable young people in Nigeria for youth leadership, activism and social change through outcome-driven policy engagements and inclusive resourcing that will equip youth in shaping and supporting medium and long-term national development.

2. Director of programmes to support the organization by developing, managing, and growing relationships with existing and potential partners; while also supporting the achievement of the organization’s strategic goals of “Making secondary education work and Developing talents for the SDGs” in Africa.

For More Information:
Visit the Official Webpage of the Job Openings at LEAP Africa.